What are the main differences between visceral and subcutaneous fat? Find out here!

Did you know that belly fat is not all the same? Yeah! There are two types: visceral and subcutaneous fat. Each has unique characteristics that make all the difference when it comes to exercising.

So it is important to understand about each one in order to have an efficient training and be able to reduce them. If you still don’t know how to differentiate them, no problem.

In this post, we will help you understand these differences. To check, just continue reading. Come on?

What is visceral fat?

Visceral fat is that which accumulates under the muscles and between the organs. In this way, it is not palpable, but it can be noticeable when it is enlarged.

It affects not only the aesthetic part, but health, as it increases inflammation in the organs and releases substances that increase blood pressure and interfere with insulin.

Although these fat cells are larger and multiply at a slower rate, they are more active and impair metabolism.

This type of fat is related to the increase in cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, hypertension and diabetes.

What is subcutaneous fat?

Subcutaneous fat is considered “soft fat”, as it is just below the skin and before the muscles. That’s why we can’t visualize the muscles, like those in the abdomen.

These fat cells are smaller, but they multiply quickly. For this reason, it is much more difficult to eliminate. On the other hand, it is less harmful to health than visceral fat.

How to identify them?

To identify the types of fat is very simple. While visceral fat has a hard appearance, being behind the muscles, it generates a bulged, puffy belly.

Do you know the famous “beer belly”? Well, even people who don’t drink alcohol will look like that because of visceral fat. It affects more men than women.

Subcutaneous fat, on the other hand, is one in which we can pinch it between the fingers. Nutritionists and physical educators measure body fat by using a device called an adipometer.

This type of fat is more frequent in women than in men. This is because the female hormone called estrogen favors the accumulation of this fat, mainly in the hips, breasts, buttocks and thighs.

How to reduce visceral and subcutaneous fats?

Although visceral fat has a greater negative impact on metabolism, both are harmful to health and well-being. So it is important to maintain a healthy body fat percentage.

There is no protocol that allows you to lose one type of fat more than another, as this burning is general throughout the body.

To reduce body fat, it is essential to review lifestyle habits and consider healthy eating, regular physical activity, smoking cessation and reduced consumption of alcoholic beverages.

As for exercises, we can say that high intensity and strength training are the most suitable. Thus, it is possible to gain muscle mass while reducing fat.

Remembering that a good amount of muscle mass keeps the metabolism accelerated, helping to burn visceral and subcutaneous fat.

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