Check out a list of 3 foods to avoid

We all know that there are some foods that should be avoided, don’t we? However, despite the recommendations, we rarely follow restrictions due to taste or even personal preference.

Despite this, we must always mention that, in order to have a truly balanced and healthy life, it is necessary to have control of food. Only with proper nutrition can we improve our quality of life and ward off illness.

However, this does not mean that you can no longer eat what you like. The key to success is moderation and emotional control so as not to fall into the same temptations that can cause weight gain or even more serious health problems.

Below, we will talk more about the 3 foods that should be avoided by those who want to achieve balance! Ready to learn more? Continue your reading!

1. Canned foods

Canned foods are extremely harmful to health. Typically, they are high in sodium and are most likely to absorb the chemical materials that make up your storage container, which is the can itself.

Over the years, it has been discovered that bisphenol A – one of the main substances in the manufacture of cans and some plastic packaging – can bring several health hazards, including hormonal deregulation. This makes weight gain easier to happen, in addition to enhancing other cardiovascular problems.

Another problem with canned foods is the possibility of finding heavy metals, such as mercury. Tuna cans, for example, can have relatively high concentrations of this chemical, which, in the long run, can cause problems for the nervous system.

Therefore, we must always emphasize that canned foods are harmful and should not be your first choice on the market.

2. Processed foods

Processed foods are all those that go through an industrialization process. During this stage, preservatives are added, as well as large amounts of sodium and other substances to maintain the flavor and increase the shelf life of the products.

Most people eat these foods, it is very difficult to escape. However, we cannot help saying that they are just as harmful as canned ones, especially if they are not consumed sparingly on a diet.

They promote weight gain and increase the risk for numerous chronic diseases, such as diabetes and hypertension. So, if you have a choice, opt for natural products and those with the least amount of processing possible. The best choice is always to buy organic products, but they are not always available or at an attractive price.

An example of a very common processed food is industrialized hamburgers, which besides being extremely high in sodium, are full of preservatives and calories. Other than that, its nutritional value is low and quite unsatisfactory.

The solution? Opt for artisanal hamburgers, made with ground meat such as duckling, flank steak and the like – the taste is better, as is the quality of the protein. And with an extra tip, know that the same goes for carbohydrates: look for whole and less industrialized options as possible.

3. Soft drinks

Sodas have a bad reputation, but it is no accident. They are full of sugar and have practically no nutritional value in their composition. They are addictive and, if we count their calories, we will see that throughout the day they are one of the main causes of weight gain.

Diabetes is also another disease commonly related to them, since the constant intake of sugar promotes an increase in blood glucose and, consequently, an increased need for insulin so that these levels reach normality – other harms include bone mineral loss and high risk for some types of cancer.

The solution is simple: search for juices and other natural drinks to meet the need for a sweet accompaniment. Leave the soda for special occasions or limit your daily intake to two glasses a day.

As for restrictions, know that they are necessary for all options in the list. Use common sense and balance to enjoy the best treats, but always try to have your health first to achieve longevity and maintain your physique.


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